Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Clouds of Heaven

a view from Cathay Pacific flight Hongkong to Manila on Oct 4, 2006

Saturday, October 21, 2006

baby shower guest pack

Manila 3 days after Milenyo

Except for missing large billboards, few uprooted trees and broken branches, practically look like before...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ph peso gaining strength!

From Bloomberg today...
The peso has strengthened 5.2 percent in the past three months, making it the second-best performer among the 15 Asia- Pacific currencies tracked by Bloomberg. A gain in the currency makes goods more expensive abroad compared with regional rivals. Exports helped the economy grow at the fastest pace in a year in the second quarter.

However, central bank and high government officials intervened again... ay, pastilan!
Less government intrusion, less taxes, less regulation for all Filipinos!!!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Like Mexico, Philippines depend on remittances too...

DtPhp as a foreign money remitter strongly believe that money remittance have negative effect to overall economic development and prosperity of the Philippines, as this study in Mexico show in today's Investor.com...
In a 2005 study, that bank found a negative link between development and remittances — the more remittances, the less overall development. The bank even went so far as to suggest poverty was caused by the dependency, not the other way around.
Because most cash sent back is used for consumption, and not investment, it gives only a short-term boost to GDP.
"Evidence also suggests that members of recipient households have fewer incentives to search for alternative sources of income," the bank noted, describing a burgeoning private welfare culture.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Freedom & Faith prospers in small governments

FreedomWorks Chairman Dick Armey says...
Small government meant that all Christians could practice their faith as they saw fit. Big government violates those rights by meddling in our lives, misusing our hard-earned money, and dictating cultural norms to us. We were and are rightly outraged when government imposes wrong-headed values through its monopoly of schools, government-funded "art," and taxpayer funded "family planning."

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Vonage, my business & me

Thanks to internet phone (voip), I travel anywhere there's internet high speed access and personally answer the phone. Conversations end up longer than usual. 'What did you say? you're in Manila? Didn't I call your business line?, etc, etc, etc.'
Thank you, Vonage. For Vonage website, click here. Write Dollar to Phpeso as a referring friend.
You can purchase Vonage equipment at most electronic stores. We don't get Referral benefits though, only orders direct from Vonage.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Calling all researchers!

Publish science and medical research online on this site.
For all other research ideas, publish here.
or at this...

peso broke 50 mark today!

Bloomberg reporting
pent up demand of the peso? due to Milenyo?
All Filipinos in private and public sector working together for the miracle of prosperity.
Less government regulation by eliminating half of government departments & cabinets. Sell all government businesses not related to security of the nation.
Simplify all business applications and property ownership title.
Lower taxes for individuals and businesses.
Self responsibility, self reliance and independence

more Milenyo/Xangsane...

from AP/FoxNews.com
About 20 typhoons and storms lash the Philippines yearly, but many people seemed overwhelmed by the extent of damage caused by Xangsane, which blew out of the country Friday.
Many Manila residents crammed hotels and malls to escape the heat and inconvenience in their powerless homes. Some gasoline stations closed due to delays in supply deliveries and panic buying, officials said.
They said Internet and cable TV were still out in some areas, and users have complained of sluggish cell phone services.
The typhoon, the worst to hit the bustling capital in over a decade, left many villages still littered with fallen trees and debris after bright sunshine returned Sunday.
About 2,000 soldiers were helping clear fallen trees, billboards and power poles in Manila, the military said.
In a desperate bid to hasten the cleanup, Metropolitan Manila Development Authority Chairman Bayani Fernando announced a cash prize for residents who help clear fallen trees and turn them into artworks.
The storm affected more than 1 million people in 17 central and northern provinces and in metropolitan Manila, and nearly 105,000 remained in 198 emergency government shelters, the National Disaster Coordinating Council said.
As authorities grappled with Xangsane's aftermath, government forecasters on Sunday found a new tropical depression swirling in the Pacific Ocean about 630 miles east of southern Luzon with winds of up to 34 miles per hour, officials said.
It was moving at 7 mph toward the northern tip of the Philippines and Taiwan, and was expected to strengthen in the new few days. The depression, locally named Neneng, was not expected to hit the Philippines unless it changes course, forecaster Peter Kindipan said.