Nutritional content of a 5" long stalk...
Vitamin A - 76.3 IU
Beta Carotene - 45.9 mcg
Lutein+Zeaxanthin 48.1 mcg
Vitamin C - 0.5 mg
Vitamin K - 5.0 mcg
Niacin - 0.1 mg
Folate - 6.1 mcg
Fervent meditation of the Word of God in Holy Bible, vignette of my life, my family - immediate and extended, my nation - of birth and natural choice, deciphering Adam Smith's economic philosophy for prosperity and peace for all Filipinos - living in USA and Philippines.
Vitamin A - 76.3 IU
Beta Carotene - 45.9 mcg
Lutein+Zeaxanthin 48.1 mcg
Vitamin C - 0.5 mg
Vitamin K - 5.0 mcg
Niacin - 0.1 mg
Folate - 6.1 mcg
God loved the world so much, he gave his only Son, that all who believe in him might not perish, but might have eternal life. (John 3:16)
Prayer before meals
Bless us, Oh Lord, and these Thy gifts which we are about to receive from Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
The controversy over the anti-religion sign prompted Rev. Ken Hutcherson, pastor of the Antioch Bible Church in Kirkland, to post a pro-religion sign about 15 feet from where the athiest sign was located. It reads: "There is one God. There is one Devil. There are angels, a heaven and hell. There is more than our natural world. Atheism is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."
Obama Pledges Massive Public Works Program, New York Times, by Peter Baker
Obama’s hope, it is now apparent, is for a “globalist” America. And his change, it is now apparent, is the polar opposite of free-market capitalism, a free press, freedoms of religion, assembly, etc., any semblance of respect for the United States Constitution, and, who knows, a resurrection of his revolutionary Marxist black liberation theology to replace the Judeo-Christian tenets upon which our country was founded.
“The most noticeable characteristic of Obama,” says Dr. Kate, in a chilling article entitled The Trojan Candidate, ”is his profound lack of respect for America as shown with his behavior on the flag pin, the failure to observe decorum regarding the national anthem, the fake presidential seal, the printed announcement of his speech in Germany, the upside down flag on the tickets and behind Biden at the Convention, his airplane with painted-over American flag, and his detached and callous appearance at Ground Zero. By this behavior, Obama is mocking America, cheapening its decorum and symbols.”
How close are we to the iron laws of economic correction? Very. When the money runs out and the squeezed taxpayer has no more juice, then we either change or begin to resemble Third-World countries where everyone works for the government; nothing gets done; no one is accountable; the wealthy hide income and live in guarded seclusion; the bemedaled thug in sunglasses promises the turba bread and circuses from the balconey, and the middle class turns to drink—and dreams of once-upon-a-time California.
Gohmert’s tax holiday plan is elegant in its simplicity: every American taxpayer would pay no federal income or FICA taxes for the first 2 months of 2009. For the typical American family -- earning about $50,000 a year -- that would mean they would keep about $2000 that would otherwise be paid to the government.
Gohmert’s plan doesn’t pay for Wall Street bonuses or let banks use bailout money to buy other banks or pay dividends. It doesn’t rely on bureaucrats to pay money out to the right people at the right time or try to stimulate the economy with token payments to people who don’t pay taxes.
Most Americans pay about 25 % of their income in federal income tax and another 7.25 % in FICA (social security and Medicare taxes). Computing how much money Gohmert’s tax holiday would leave in your family’s checkbook is very simple.
Take your monthly income (the gross amount shown on your pay stubs before tax and any other withholding) and multiply it by .66. That amount is roughly what Gohmert’s two-month tax holiday will leave in your pocket.