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Fervent meditation of the Word of God in Holy Bible, vignette of my life, my family - immediate and extended, my nation - of birth and natural choice, deciphering Adam Smith's economic philosophy for prosperity and peace for all Filipinos - living in USA and Philippines.
That may please the pitchfork brigade, but what about the people who make, sell and service corporate jets? "The Maytag repairman is busy compared to me," complains Bill Woods, president of Western Wings in Roseburg, Oregon. The company refurbishes and resells a range of private aircraft models, but "there is no market today," he says. Mr. Woods reports that the stigma around private jets has become so strong that not only have banks stopped buying them; in some cases banks won't even provide financing for others to buy them. Textron, the world's largest maker of corporate jets, saw its shares pounded after customers cancelled orders on 23 planes in the fourth quarter. General Dynamics, maker of Gulfstream jets, and Canada's Bombardier have also issued grim forecasts for 2009. Airplane manufacturers didn't create Fannie Mae or the Community Reinvestment Act or the AAA-rated CDO. And not all passengers on private planes are as deserving of scorn as the directors of Citigroup. Mr. Woods says many of his customers are crusty, hard-working entrepreneurs who need to be able to travel quickly to cattle auctions or to oversee far-flung timber operations. Mr. Woods says he wishes the White House, which has criticized airplane use by TARP recipients, would stop demonizing his product. He and his wife voted for President Obama last fall but now he admits they wonder if they made a mistake.