Saturday, October 31, 2009

You can be Catholic and Tango...

Tango and the Theology of the Body by Katrina Zeno
As a single Catholic woman, this isn't always easy. Argentine tango can be danced close -- very close. Its intimacy and passion can sweep me into the romantic ozone layer, obscuring any sense of reality. It lures me into wanting more -- more intimacy, more connectedness, more transcendence.
So why do I tango? Because Argentine tango conceals many profound spiritual lessons. Our relationship with God is meant to be one of intimacy and passion. So it is with tango. In the spiritual life, God leads and we follow. So it is in tango. In the Eucharist, God gives Himself away to us. The same should be true in tango. Argentine tango takes the abstract concepts of our faith and makes them concrete. Let me explain.

apo #2 named after favorite daughter heard the name on Dancing With the Stars - Katrina.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sarah Palin supports Chris Christie...

Sarah Palin today on Facebook...
Let's consider the governor's race in New Jersey. The state has the highest tax burden in the country and the incumbent Democrat governor has only added to the economic burden. He eliminated property tax rebates for middle class homeowners while the sales tax increased. Altogether, taxes on the people in the region have increased by billions of dollars. It’s no surprise that New Jersey has the highest unemployment rate in the region! Thankfully, there is an alternative. Residents there will be better off under an administration that understands the benefits that result when workers are allowed to keep more of what they earn. Watch New Jersey's economy come alive under new leadership that will put government back on the side of the people! Chris Christie promises this new leadership.
Fortunately, New Jersey's Democrat governor is being held accountable with the RGA spending $7 million in the New York and Philadelphia media markets telling the truth about a liberal administrative record while highlighting New Jersey's tax-hiking ways and reminding voters there is an alternative! The NY and Philly markets are the most expensive in the nation though, so the RGA is requesting help to stay on the air. Visit

will the power of Sarah Palin influence democrat controlled New Jersey? Chris Christie listening and watching?

Monday, October 26, 2009


meta·noia (Merriam-Webster dictionary)
Pronunciation: \ˌme-tə-ˈnȯi-ə\
Function: noun. Etymology: Greek, from metanoiein to change one's mind, repent, from meta- + noein to think, from nous mind
Date: 1577: a transformative change of heart; especially : a spiritual conversion.
My deep spiritual conversion was at this site in 1995...
Cradle Catholic like 80% of Filipinos, I took my Catholic faith for granted. Received the sacraments - baptism, confirmation, confession now called reconciliation, Holy Communion and matrimony. I bought and gave out the New American Bible as gifts when it was available but never read it. I was satisfied at the scripture readings at Sunday masses. Until apo #1 at age 7 asked me how many Psalms are in the bible. Well she told me 'its 150, Lola, don't you have a bible?' I didn't knew how many Psalms there are in the Old Testament. I skimmed through my pristine clean, uncreased, white fake leather covered 'New American Bible' to check out if her answer was right.
September-October, 1995...
My friend, dangs, ask me to go with her to Rome motherhouse of her biological sister-nun, Sr. Feliciana, to represent her neice entering her perpetual vow at the convent. I've been to France in 1990 when my favorite daughter was an exchange student in a school south of France, way up in the Alps - Annecy. I worked regular 40 hr week at that time and did not have enough vacation times. I went from Paris to Annecy and back. That's another story in itself.,.
Back to dangs. I planned our trip to as many places in Europe as she want to go. I only want to go to Lourdes, France. Sr. Feliciana's order - Daughters of Mary de Leuca - has a thriving house in Lourdes...

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fr. Gheddo wrote...

Fr. Piero Gheddo, director of Mondo e Missione and of Italia Missionaria, and is the founder of AsiaNew.
The radical causes of poverty are not colonization, or the multi-nationals or the egoism of rich countries...

The root of the problem is that first one must produce if one is to consume: One consumes if one produces, and in poor countries not enough is produced to maintain the rate of growth of the population...


Monday, October 19, 2009

Archbishop Chaput on...

Down Syndrome babies...
The real choice in accepting or rejecting a child with special needs is never between some imaginary perfection or imperfection. None of us is perfect. No child is perfect. The real choice in accepting or rejecting a child with special needs is between love and unlove; between courage and cowardice; between trust and fear. That's the choice we face when it happens in our personal experience. And that's the choice we face as a society in deciding which human lives we will treat as valuable, and which we will not.
Catholic public officials who take God seriously cannot support laws that attack human dignity without lying to themselves, misleading others and abusing the faith of their fellow Catholics. God will demand an accounting. Catholic doctors who take God seriously cannot do procedures, prescribe drugs or support health policies that attack the sanctity of unborn children or the elderly; or that undermine the dignity of human sexuality and the family. God will demand an accounting. And Catholic citizens who take God seriously cannot claim to love their Church, and then ignore her counsel on vital public issues that shape our nation's life. God will demand an accounting. As individuals, we can claim to be or believe whatever we want. We can posture, and rationalize our choices, and make alibis with each other all day long -- but no excuse for our lack of honesty and zeal will work with the God who made us. God knows our hearts better than we do. If we don't conform our hearts and actions to the faith we claim to believe, we're only fooling ourselves.

VDH confessed...

I have some confessions to make, not because any of you readers are particularly interested in my views; but rather because I think some of you are in the same boat: Have you stopped reading, listening, watching, and paying attention to most of what now passes for establishment public or popular culture? I am not particularly proud of this quietism (many Athenians did it in the early 4th century BC and Romans by the late 3rd AD), but not really ashamed of it either.

me too, Victor Davis Hanson...since 1995-96...
2 movies I saw since... Passion of Christ (with eyes closed half of the time) and Bella (recommended by Knights of Columbus).
Only tv show I watch...Journey Home on EWTN, Monday 8-9pm. No more Tiger Woods on tv since his tirade at Pebble Beach...
Have not read a fiction book, a self help book, a psychology or psychiatry since...
Since 1995-96 read...New American Bible (NAB), first the liturgy of the week, then sequentially from Genesis to Revelation, back to liturgy of the day reading the references on the footnotes of NAB.
American Bishop, a biography of Bishop Fulton Sheen.
Treasure of Clay, Bishop Fulton Sheen autobiography.
The Story Mountain, autobiography of Thomas Merton.
The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith, originally published in 1776.
Confessions, autobiography of St. Augustine of Hippo.
City of God by St. Augustine of Hippo.
Summa Vol 1- 5 by St. Thomas Aquinas.
Most of St. Therese of Lisieux published books.
All of Pope John Paul ll books.
All of Pope Benedict XVl books.
Free to Choose, Capitalism & Freedom by Milton Friedman.
Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville.
Biographies of Washington, Franklin, Adams, Lincoln, LBJ, Kennedy,
latest book read...Liberty & Tyranny by Mark Levin.
Read a libertarian fiction this year...Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand which strengthened my resolve not to read any or another fiction book again even if it is recommended and read by many others. Not my kind of literature.
Waiting for Sarah Palin's 'Going Rogue'...

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Rest in Peace, my dear sister...

God you have called your daughter, Lourdes, from this life. Father of all mercy, fulfill her faith and hope in you, and lead her safely home to heaven, to be happy with you for ever. Amen.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Sarah Palin's book

'Going Rogue' now $9. at Pre-ordered a copy at it's original discounted price.

Monday, October 12, 2009

My Review of Hoop Cherry/Beige Glider and Ottoman

Originally submitted at Every Rocking Chair

Prepare to experience ultimate comfort in this Hoop Glider. Perfect for feeding baby or just relaxing while in the nursery, the Hoop Glider is sure to become a favorite in any space. The perfect accompaniment to the Hoop glider, this matching ottoman is perfect for resting feet while sitting in you...

Price right for this rocking speed.

By ate mely from highland park, nj on 10/12/2009


4out of 5

Pros: Sturdy, Easy to Assemble, Smooth Rocking, Fits Anywhere, Roomy

Best Uses: Infants, Newborn

Describe Yourself: Grandparent

Price right.


Friday, October 02, 2009

Subsidiarity means...

What the Church teaches about (big) government by Valerie Schmalz
Our Sunday Visitor...
"Subsidiarity is that principle by which we respect the inherent dignity and freedom of the individual by never doing for others what they can do for themselves and thus enabling individuals to have the most possible discretion in the affairs of their lives," wrote Archbishop Naumann and Bishop Finn in their pastoral letter.
