Monday, October 26, 2009


meta·noia (Merriam-Webster dictionary)
Pronunciation: \ˌme-tə-ˈnȯi-ə\
Function: noun. Etymology: Greek, from metanoiein to change one's mind, repent, from meta- + noein to think, from nous mind
Date: 1577: a transformative change of heart; especially : a spiritual conversion.
My deep spiritual conversion was at this site in 1995...
Cradle Catholic like 80% of Filipinos, I took my Catholic faith for granted. Received the sacraments - baptism, confirmation, confession now called reconciliation, Holy Communion and matrimony. I bought and gave out the New American Bible as gifts when it was available but never read it. I was satisfied at the scripture readings at Sunday masses. Until apo #1 at age 7 asked me how many Psalms are in the bible. Well she told me 'its 150, Lola, don't you have a bible?' I didn't knew how many Psalms there are in the Old Testament. I skimmed through my pristine clean, uncreased, white fake leather covered 'New American Bible' to check out if her answer was right.
September-October, 1995...
My friend, dangs, ask me to go with her to Rome motherhouse of her biological sister-nun, Sr. Feliciana, to represent her neice entering her perpetual vow at the convent. I've been to France in 1990 when my favorite daughter was an exchange student in a school south of France, way up in the Alps - Annecy. I worked regular 40 hr week at that time and did not have enough vacation times. I went from Paris to Annecy and back. That's another story in itself.,.
Back to dangs. I planned our trip to as many places in Europe as she want to go. I only want to go to Lourdes, France. Sr. Feliciana's order - Daughters of Mary de Leuca - has a thriving house in Lourdes...

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