Monday, October 06, 2008

Obama, community organizer & Catholic charity

While he was in Chicago Obama was trained by the top Alinskyian organizers. One mentor was the ex-Jesuit, Greg Galuzzo, lead organizer for Gamaliel. The Developing Communities Project operated under the Gamaliel Foundation, a network of Alinskyian organizations that receive 4-5% of all Catholic Campaign for Human Development grants each year.
The Developing Communities Project, which hired Obama as lead organizer, was an offshoot of Jerry Kellman's Calumet Community Religious Conference. Kellman, another of Obama's mentors, was himself trained by Alinsky. The network of community organizations Alinsky founded, the Industrial Areas Foundation, receives about 16% of all Catholic Campaign for Human Development grants annually.
My contribution to Catholic charities is limited to weekly envelopes, EWTN, K of C fundraising, parish related fundraising and a few specific Catholic fundraising. I contributed to an annual bishop appeal, its first year but has not contributed since because I feel their end recipients are too broad.
Full article at tip:

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