Sunday, October 05, 2008

Respect Life Sunday, Oct 5, 2008, statements from Catholic hierarchies

Cardinal Rigali Statement for Respect Life Sunday
Zenit News Agency (, 10/3/2008)
We face the threat of a federal bill that, if enacted, would obliterate virtually all the gains of the past 35 years and cause the abortion rate to skyrocket. The "Freedom of Choice Act."

Bishop Finn Warns of 'Freedom of Choice Act'
By Hilary White, 10/3/2008, LifeSiteNews (
When a candidate promises to 'sign immediately upon taking office' the Freedom of Choice Act, Catholics and all people of good will have cause to question the sincerity of the candidate's determination to reduce abortions.

Obama said, "The first thing I will do as President is sign the Freedom of Choice Act" at a Planned Parenthood event, July 17, 2007.
New York Bishops: 'View Politics through Lens of Faith'
By Kathleen Gilbert, 10/3/2008, LifeSiteNews (
The right to life is the right through which all others flow.

Kansas Bishops Address Voting as Faithful Catholics
Rev Joseph F. Naumann, Rev Robert W. Finn
9/18/2008, Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph (
What could possibly be a proportionate reason for the more than 45 million children killed by abortion in the past 35 years? Personally, we cannot conceive of such a proportionate reason.

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