Monday, July 10, 2006

Competition, a good thing!

Compete is to strive or contend with another (Am Heritage Dictionary '83ed). Voluntary natural selection process with several levels of intensity, visibility and effectiveness.

From Foxnews, SmartMoney article - Competitive Edge by D. Luskin
According to the research of William Lewis, a retired partner at business consultant McKinsey & Co., the most important element is competition.
For a nation's economy to succeed, competition among domestic companies, and between domestic companies and foreign rivals, must be both fierce and fair. Lewis thinks that from the bloody battlefield of competition comes productivity and growth.
Lewis's book "The Power of Productivity" documents over a decade of painstakingly detailed country-by-country and sector-by-sector research by McKinsey's business analysts. The work proves definitively that, when a nation exposes itself to the rigors and risks of competition, it forces itself to adopt world-class business practices and achieve world-class productivity. It's simple, then: to compete is to grow.

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